Monday, March 21, 2016

March 21, 2016 Sunrise Drive

We start off with Brent Leo-Smith with Jeandré Gerding on camera. On the hunt for lions who have been roaring all around camp, he thinks it’s the Nkuhuma pride. However they heard roaring from several directions so they think it maybe a couple different groups.
(2016/03/21 05:35)  Brent gets a report over the radio that a leopard was calling right outside room#1 of Djuma's Galego lodge at 3am this morning. 

Good morning from Jamie Paterson who has Dave Eastaugh on camera this morning. (2016/03/21 05:35)
Right as she says good morning she sees something in her spotlight. It's a Duiker.
(2016/03/21 05:37) She tells us that this morning just a little while ago as they were preparing to leave for this drive, that Brent was so excited because of all the lions calling, he left without his camera man. 


(2016/03/21 05:43) Listening for lions or leopards calling or alarm calling animals.
(2016/03/21 05:44)  A relaxed impala herd so he doesn’t think the lions are near where he is at.
(2016/03/21 05:48) He shows us the tracks.

(2016/03/21 05:49) She has found one Birmingham boy and he is looking confused of where he should go and chewing something or smelling something on the ground. He rolls in it.
Then down the road come two others and they do some rolling and rubbing on each other.
One of them has a large bruise on his belly to me it looks like a small puncture wound in the middle of it, but that is just my speculation. Jamie says it doesn't look serious.
Its amazing to see three kings predators rolling around like little kittens so cute.
5.58 one gets up and marks territory then goes back to the lion pile for rub heads.
(2016/03/21 05:59) he comes over and pretty much checks out Dave and then walks past to the back of the vehicle.

(2016/03/21 06:05) Is hunting for the Nkuhuma pride and tracks of a female leopard probably Karula.

(2016/03/21 06:07) as the males wander off towards triple M a main boundary road.
Thank you to Angie, Blair, & Chris for the help with the Identifying of the Birmingham boys.
(2016/03/21 06:20) Jamie asks viewers which of the B.Boys these are.
A viewer "Blair tells Jamie this is Blondie and Birmingham boy # 3 and # 4. So not the one that was mating. I asked which was the one we saw mating the other drive and "Angie" told me it was #2 so he is not here, he was also the one with the already dead warthog.
We watch the three B.Boys walk down the road for quite a while before Jamie decides we better leave the sighting to make more room for others to view them, since they are headed out our area anyway.
(2016/03/21 06:29) we get out last views as they walk down the road and into the distance.

(2016/03/21 06:30) He has abandoned the Nkuhuma pride's tracks and is now tracking Karula or a female leopard.
(2016/03/21 06:31) A honey badger track

(2016/03/21 06:34) Elephants Big 5 #2 of the day.

(2016/03/21 06:45) Still searching thinks she is in thick area
(2016/03/21 06:46) Knob billed duck flying off
(2016/03/21 06:47) A really high foam nest frog nest.
(2016/03/21 06:48) He hears on the radio that maybe wild dogs in the area a guest posted a picture of them at 6am between the gate and where he is. Ferrari Safari!
(2016/03/21 06:51) Amur Falcon

(2016/03/21 06:54) Male Lion tracks with hyena tracks next to them

(2016/03/21 07:00) Update on wild dogs they were found outside our viewing zone so he is back on the hunt for Karula
(2016/03/21 07:05) Male leopard track
(2016/03/21 07:08) Wild dog tracks
(2016/03/21 07:11) A good size bachelor group of buffalo bulls at Buffelshoek dam
(2016/03/21 07:14) Some kind of scrap mark maybe a drag mark he gets out to investigate
He thinks its en elephant dragging a branch or its foot.

(2016/03/21 07:17) She sees a large herd of impala.
(2016/03/21 07:25) She loses signal and we go to Brent

(2016/03/21 07:26) Says the male leopard went to Buffelshoek then left and Karula has headed back towards her den. He is on the trail of the male. I rhyme!

(2016/03/21 07:32) She has a dung beetle rolling its dung ball.
(2016/03/21 07:36) Mushroom
(2016/03/21 07:38) She shows us a dead dung beetle

(2016/03/21 07:43) The male leopard left our area so he is going back to, try to, find Karula.
(2016/03/21 07:44) Kudu female in the brush.
(2016/03/21 07:50) Brent spots an elephant.
(2016/03/21 07:56) We see the elephant with the lump on his trunk. Possible a cysts or boil, maybe from a stick poking through his skin and getting infected. Brent shows us a zoomed picture from his camera.

(2016/03/21 08:00) Purple roller  
She updates up that the three Birmingham boys are now flat asleep in the road leading to Arathusa but there is already a long line of people in standby to see them however she did put us in line, she just doesn’t think we will get in before end of drive.
She tells us she is curious about the elephant with the boil or lump on his trunk and they are going to talk to experts and get back to us.
(2016/03/21 08:06) She is still with the roller but now talking about bats and she shows us in her book the types they get.

(2016/03/21 08:09) Another herd of elephants he is waiting for them near pan to come up to it to drink and play in the water, but sadly they continue on eating and don’t drink or even come to this pan.
 (2016/03/21 08:13) A young ellie walks by the water takes a little splash behind the ears then wanders past.
(2016/03/21 08:16) Brent moves to the next pan. He tells gives up an update on Tingana saw another leopard unsure who it was but he chased after it and so far there is no other update the guides are trying to catch up to them to see the outcome.
(2016/03/21 08:17) At another pan, a baby ellie finally comes to the water to play a bit just investigating it then we quickly go to Jamie with a new bird for a lot of viewers.
(2016/03/21 08:18) Cone or a Knob-billed duck.

(2016/03/21 08:21) Back to Brent at the next pan this time with a young ellie spraying water and drinking.
Still no update on who the leopard was that Tingana was chasing.
(2016/03/21 08:28) We will have a school for the first half hour tomorrow morning for us. Therefore the first half hour they will focus on the school classes' questions.
(2016/03/21 08:29) Another tiny bay calf walks by with his mom.

Brent says good bye for everyone.

End of Drive

© 2016 Chell Taft
All rights reserved. None of this material may be copied, published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed by media of any kind.

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