Tuesday, March 22, 2016

March 22, 2016 Sunset Drive

Good afternoon from Brent Leo-Smith who has Jeandré Gerding on camera Mrs. Ridge's class from first colonial high school.
He has a large herd of Impala.
Jamie Paterson with Dave Eastaugh on camera. They are with the five Birmingham boy coalition of lions on a buffalo kill for the second day.
Three of the lions are sleeping close to each other the other two are nearby sleeping as well just not in the close pile.

Several serrated hinge terrapins

She is answering the classes questions about lions.

(2016/03/22 16:13) elephants they are in thick bush and not very comfortable maybe because of the wind but because they are stressed he leaves.

(2016/03/22 16:15) She shows us one of the other lions hidden mostly behind leaves then the carcass or what is left
(2016/03/22 16:17) She is leaving the sighting

(2016/03/22 16:17) With an Oldenlandia flower small star shaped flower. Lambs tail?
(2016/03/22 16:20) Martial eagle flying.
(2016/03/22 16:22) Tawny eagle sitting in a tree

(2016/03/22 16:25) With elephants in the open
Jamie says goodbye to the Class.
(2016/03/22 16:27) She has heard a squirrel alarm calling. She is going to investigate. But he stops alarming so must not have been an important call. LOL.
She tells us she thinks scrapper the male lion who was so skinny is on the mend and that he will start putting weight especially with that meal and being with the rest of the coalition.
She looks at a new little pan of water under a fallen tree.

(2016/03/22 16:34) Karula is on Buffelshoek property now. He also says it is possible with where Karula was headed last night that a small chance she has moved her den back to Djuma. Since the cubs are getting close to two months old that would be great news for us to see them soon. There has been none of her tracks near the current den for three days but she has had tracks on Djuma so they are hoping.
(2016/03/22 16:41) He stops to listen for the elephants he thinks they are in there he needs to reposition to see them.
(2016/03/22 16:43) Zebra herd a bit nervous and huddled together from the cool windy weather.

(2016/03/22 16:48) On Arathusa very quiet there she thinks from the windy weather.
(2016/03/22 16:49) A grey go-away bird and a starling on a dead tree. A fork-tailed drongo joins them.
(2016/03/22 16:54) Water in a drainage line she is shocked never seen water here.

(2016/03/22 16:59) Natal spurfowl or Natal francolin
(2016/03/22 17:00)He hears a report of male leopard tracks headed east down the firebreak.  Brent and two others are going to be searching the area to try to find him.
(2016/03/22 17:00) African Hoopoe {Upupa Africana}
(2016/03/22 17:03) Alarm calling Brent thinks snake. Starlings and Arrowmarked Babblers alarming pick of babbler. We see the babblers several times while looking closely in the tree for a snake. We never saw what it was.
(2016/03/22 17:05) It is now starting to rain, Jamie is putting on her rain covers.

(2016/03/22 17:08) We go to Jamie while Brent puts his rain covers on.
(2016/03/22 17:09) Termite mound with fresh dirt.
There are guest vehicles at red dam so we are going somewhere else.

(2016/03/22 17:17) Wildebeest bull

(2016/03/22 17:20) Impala two young rams.
(2016/03/22 17:24) Magpie shrieks.

(2016/03/22 17:25) Showing us Buffalo herd from a long distance in a valley ahead.

(2016/03/22 17:27) Two adorable Impala ram calves playing practicing to fight with their heads. VIDEO

Now with a close view of the buffalo herd

11.35 African green pigeon

While just sitting a male leopard just showed up he is watching the buffalo intently maybe he will hunt.
Brent thinks it maybe Muvula
11.45 A viewer says for sure it is Muvula and Brent agrees. He is hungry and stalking the buffalo calf we saw bucking.

She has found a cub in the main road she says maybe he is out wandering with June. We don’t see June.
The J-twins and D-twins are wrestling Nov is suckling from pretty.
Madam greets pretty then goes to cubs and nibbles a bit at them
One of the J-twins is being so brave following mom
One j one d explore behind the vehicle following madam when madam comes back so do they.

update on Muvula he went stalking after the buffalo in a thick area, so he is headed over to see If  he can track down Karula.

Bela 12.10 comes to visit
the cubs at the den entrance are fighting over a giant land snail shell
It is now getting dark
madam disciplines a twin then June and Bela maybe are here too now but dark hard to tell
Feb twin #2
Again madam tries to calm the cubs for bed time LOL

Brent still looking for Karula now with his spotlight
He updates us that Muvula didn’t get a kill
12.27 A napping or sleeping African vagrant butterfly
12.28 Brent tells a folklore tale of why the scrub hair doesn’t look over his shoulder
Sees the eyes of a duiker during the tale.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GAlP1qYkzf4 sad video from Brent's story of a leopard mother sacrificing herself for a cub

Jamie with a bushbaby
A second bushbaby

all I see is eyes on video Brent white tailed mongoose 
Scrub hare
African civet WOO HOO my first sighting of one

Brent says good night with a scrub hare

Shows us a stripped pole cat in her book

Jamie says her good nights.

End of Drive.

© 2016 Chell Taft
All rights reserved. None of this material may be copied, published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed by media of any kind.

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